
“These scholars describe a woman who was, especially by the standards of her day, truly remarkable. Ellen White was insightful and visionary; confident, ready to stand up to men, gutsy in the face of controversy; tenacious and effective as a leader. She was and is our prophet, and the book gives us great reason to admire her. But Ellen White was also flawed. She said things there were wrong; used passages from other writers (including the historical errors) as if they were her own; fell short of sufficient humility and openness about her own finitude and brokenness. …”

More: http://spectrummagazine.org/article/2015/01/06/what-shall-we-do-ellen-white

About adventlife

I am a second generation Adventist who joined the church by baptism almost seven decades ago when the Adventist Church was still pro-life. I have a Ph. D. Degree in religion, and my dissertation was entitled "From Pro-life to Pro-choice: The Dramatic Shift in Seventh-day Adventists' Attitudes Toward Abortion." I published a book with said title which is available at http://lulu.com. You need to type my name in the Search blank space to access it. I believe that the Adventist Church should get out of the abortion business, especially out of the elective type of abortions. The church did compromise on this moral issue back in 1970 and many of its hospitals were allowed to profit from the killing of innocent unborn babies with impunity. The church needs to repent of this great moral sin and publicly admit that it was wrong for the "Remnant" Church, that claims to keep God's Commandments, to profit from what the Bible and our Adventist pioneers labeled as murder. The Lord is merciful and forgiving, but public sins must be publicly repented of in order to secure God's forgiveness. P.S.: I recently published my second book dealing with abortion and the Adventist Church. The title is: “Murder in Paradise: A Serious Warning to the United States & the Adventist Church” http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?type=Print+Products&keyWords=Samojluk+murder+in+paradise&x=5&y=10&sitesearch=lulu.com&q= Paperback: List Price: $22.49 $9.00 You Save: 60%

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